The Presco Interface Module (PIM) is used to convert commonly used data formats into the required data format to suit the target device.
- Converts from Weigand, RS232, Nidac Presco™, Clock & Data (Magnetic Card) or Dallas iButton™ - commonly referred to as "Silicon Key" format.
- Converts to Nidac Presco™, RS232, Clock & Data (Magnetic Card) or Weigand.
- Can convert to or from Weigand with up to 64 bits of data, including up to 32 bit site code plus optional start and end parity bits.
- User programmable site code when converting to Weigand.
- Reads up to 64 bits from Dallas iButton™ user memory or 56 bits from factory ID.
- Reads up to 32 characters or digits from Track 1, 2 or 3 Clock & Data (Magnetic Card) format input.
- User programmable options using standard Presco™ PRE keypad or via RS232 link.
- Compatible with all current Nidac Presco™ encoders and decoders.